Leading Supplier of Quality Trees in Western Australia

77 Rousset Road Mariginiup
5 mins north of Wanneroo
Western Australia  6078

Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 4.00pm
Sat: 12.00 Noon - 4.00pm

77 Rousset Road Mariginiup
5 mins north of Wanneroo
Western Australia  6078

Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 4.00pm
Sat: 12.00 Noon - 4.00pm

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Hong Kong Orchid Tree
Bauhinia x blakeana

This popular orchid tree was originally found in China, and is the floral emblem for Hong Kong. The semi- deciduous tree, will lose all leaves if in cooler climates. Leaves are consisting of 2 broad leaflets, that are fused together along the inner edges. Flowers occur from autumn through to winter, and are purple-red in colour with slight fragrance.

Height: 8 metres
Width: 6 metres
* Dimensions at maturity.

Best suited for:
A flowering & feature tree in average sized gardens.

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