Leading Supplier of Quality Trees in Western Australia

77 Rousset Road Mariginiup
5 mins north of Wanneroo
Western Australia  6078

Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 4.00pm
Sat: 12.00 Noon - 4.00pm

77 Rousset Road Mariginiup
5 mins north of Wanneroo
Western Australia  6078

Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 4.00pm
Sat: 12.00 Noon - 4.00pm

Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica

This fast growing South American, deciduous tree has a spreading, rounded growth habit. It’s elegant mild green, pinnate foliage may turn a rich yellow in late winter before shedding. From late spring to early summer, it produces prolific terminal clusters of hanging, bell shaped flowers. The mauve-blue coloured flowers look spectacular on a leafless tree. Gardeners have noticed that flowering was more prolific in drier years, and by avoiding over watering in early spring, which slows the leaf production. A very popular tree that has proven itself in Perth conditions. Native to China, this, often multi-stemmed deciduous tree has a wide-spreading, flat-topped open growth habit. Flower colours range from white, pink, mauve, purple or carmine. They have crimped petals and are displayed in pinnacles as long as 200mm. Flowering occurs in late summer. Dark green leaves turn orange before dropping away in autumn, which allows the attractive smooth,pink-grey bark to be seen. An excellent tree to add colour to a garden.

Height: 6 metres
Width: 4 metres
* Dimensions at maturity.

Best suited for:
These trees are generally easy to grow in a variety of soils, with a tolerance to light frost.

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