Leading Supplier of Quality Trees in Western Australia

77 Rousset Road Mariginiup
5 mins north of Wanneroo
Western Australia  6078

Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 4.00pm
Sat: 12.00 Noon - 4.00pm

77 Rousset Road Mariginiup
5 mins north of Wanneroo
Western Australia  6078

Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 4.00pm
Sat: 12.00 Noon - 4.00pm

Callistemon – Kings Park Special

Callistemon ‘Kings Park Special’

Callistemons are prized for their showy flowers and are commonly called bottlebush. A small ornamental tree that is well suited to the Perth conditions. The flowers that normally open in spring/summer can also open again in autumn, are highly attractive to necture feeding birds. Respond well to pruning after flowering to reduce seed formation.

Height: 5 metres
Width: 4 metres
* Dimensions at maturity.

Best suited for
They prefer moist well drained soils and in general are only marginally frost tolerate. Rounded with semi weeping habit that is suited to informal hedges, street plantings and seaside gardens.

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